FYLPRO’s Tayo at Congressional Briefing on Digital Civil Rights
FYLPRO’s Tayo made its debut in the public policy space at a Congressional Briefing on March 9, 2023 at Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.
Coordinated by Free Press and the Disinfo Defense League along with sponsors Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (NY) and Senator Ben Ray Lujan (NM), “A Roadmap for Protecting Digital Civil Rights” featured remarks from moderator Free Press co-CEO Jessica J. González, speakers United We Dream’s José Muñoz, The New Georgia Project’s Ranada Robinson, Common Cause’s Yosef Getachew, and FYLPRO president and Tayo co-founder and Project Director Leezel Tanglao.
Leezel shared the story of how FYLPRO’s rapid response to the global pandemic gave birth to Tayo and its efforts to disrupt public health misinformation and build infrastructures to support the long term resilience of the Filipino community in the face of ongoing institutional neglect and disinvestment.
FYLPRO executive vice president and Tayo co-founder and Product Counsel Mark Calaguas and FYLPRO 2013 delegate Rachelle Ocampo, EdM attended the briefing held at the Senate Visitors Center at Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.