Where can I go for food assistance/hot meals for me and my family?
If you live in LA County, here are some resources for you where you can get food assistance and hot meals:
- Los Angeles County is investing more than $135 million in CARES Act funding to bring urgently needed food assistance to hundreds of thousands of residents struggling to keep nutritious meals on the table during the pandemic. You may find a pantry or giveaway here.
- You may find a local food pantry nearest you through the Los Angeles Food Bank Pantry Locator
- The Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) has hot meals and PWC Care Boxes for Historic Filipinotown Residents. Call (213) 250-4353 or visit pwcsc.org/contact to see if you qualify.
- CalFresh/LA County DPSS: If you have lost your job, or just need assistance, apply for CalFresh and other benefits online.
- Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Program
- Seniors: For meals from LA County and City of LA, call 800-510-2020
- 211 FoodFinder: Los Angeles County 211 website has a map you can use to locate a variety of food resources, free groceries/food pantries, farmers markets, and government food benefits programs.
NOTE: This is not a comprehensive list. We will continue to update these services.