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Interested in donating to support Tayo Help Desk and FYLPRO's COVID-19 Relief Efforts?

Network for Good Donation page:


Website: www.fylpro.org/support/
Paypal: www.PayPal.me/FYLPro
Zelle: Send to Treasurer@fylpro.org
Check: Mail to FYLPRO at 123 W NYE Lane, Suite 129, Carson City, NV 89706 (Please add a memo for Tayo Help or COVID-19 Relief)

Your tax-deductible donation will support FYLPRO programming for Filipinos in the US and abroad, including the COVID-19 Relief Fund, expansion of Tayo Help Desk services, and other community impact projects.

Our EIN: 47-3782661

Since April 2020, the FYLPRO COVID-19 Task Force has fed 800 families, expanded overflow facility bed capacity by 30+ in the Philippines, provided care packages to 175 essential workers in Los Angeles, CA, provided PPE to essential workers in the Philippines, and received grant funding to develop COVID-19 information help desk for Filipino Americans. Additional projects are underway in 2021 and will be announced on the Tayo Help and FYLPRO websites.

Looking for other ways to contribute? Please visit www.fylpro.org/support/ or email covidtaskforce@fylpro.org to learn more.